My life

I was born on the 31 of may 2006 in South Africa.I lived there with my mum and dad until my brother was born on the 1st of December 2009.When I was 4 we moved to america.we lived in California for 1 year.Then we moved to Oregon we lived in a nice town called Hood river.We lived there for another year.


3 thoughts on “My life”

  1. Interesting story, what happened after your brother was born? Where are you living today? Do you have any other siblings? What adventures have you had until now?

  2. Hello Keenan. I will never forget the day you were born and came into my life. You and your brother and sister are one of the most precious presents I ever received. I miss you all so much! Keep on writing and telling us what you are up to. Love you my “klitsie”. Nana

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